About the project

Locus - an art project with refugees, asylum seekers and members of the local community from Portsmouth. Artists Ania Bas & Les Monaghan were in residence at Portsmouth Friendship Centre for a year working with the participants to explore their personal LOCUS.

The residency took place between October 2009 and September 2010.

Some of the works developed during the residency continue their post-project life. This blog is being updated with any news on where the work can be seen, played, encountered. If you are interested in learning more contact Ania on aniabas{at}gmail{dot}com

Project Launch Friday 2nd October, 5 - 7pm

The launch of an innovative arts project with refugees, asylum seekers and other members of the community organised by ArtRefuge will take place on Friday 2nd October, 5-7pm at Portsmouth Friendship Centre, Friendship House. Please R.S.V.P. by 25th September to enquiries{at}friendshipcentre.co.uk