About the project

Locus - an art project with refugees, asylum seekers and members of the local community from Portsmouth. Artists Ania Bas & Les Monaghan were in residence at Portsmouth Friendship Centre for a year working with the participants to explore their personal LOCUS.

The residency took place between October 2009 and September 2010.

Some of the works developed during the residency continue their post-project life. This blog is being updated with any news on where the work can be seen, played, encountered. If you are interested in learning more contact Ania on aniabas{at}gmail{dot}com

Friendship Centre

Friendship Centre is a short film we made in early March with asylum seekers, staff and volunteers who gather on Friday afternoons at Friendship House.
Watch the film here or you can see it on Big Screen in Portsmouth from Friday 23rd April.

Adjusting to the rain

Adjusting to the rain is the third and the last film we made. Watch it now or see it on Big Screen in Portsmouth.

Exhibition in Portsmouth! Soon!

In April (from 16 till 29) we will show some of the work created to date: a collection of paper mobile phones and personal messages sent in the past and into the future, panoramic pictures taken by the attendees as well as documentary shots of the session taken by Les.

The main work of the exhibition will be a collection of the mobile phones (still growing collection!). We keep realising that for asylum seekers a mobile phone is more then a helpful device. A whole range of mobile phones has been created, almost all of them are an accurate copies of the real phones belonging to the participants.

One of the pictures in the exhibition is going to be the image of Sultana above taken by Vathani

Miriam's Solution

We have spent three sessions talking to the camera. All the talks have been edited and we have now 3 short films ready! Miriam's Solution can be seen only on-line but two other films will be screened at BBC Big Screen in Portsmouth City Centre! First screenings will take place on 23rd April and the films are going to be broadcast for 3 months!

All this would not be possible without a brilliant filmmaker Lou Pack!Thank you Lou!