About the project

Locus - an art project with refugees, asylum seekers and members of the local community from Portsmouth. Artists Ania Bas & Les Monaghan were in residence at Portsmouth Friendship Centre for a year working with the participants to explore their personal LOCUS.

The residency took place between October 2009 and September 2010.

Some of the works developed during the residency continue their post-project life. This blog is being updated with any news on where the work can be seen, played, encountered. If you are interested in learning more contact Ania on aniabas{at}gmail{dot}com

Counterpoint @ Platforma Festival - press, interviews and feedback

The soundscape of the game and an interview about the game can be now found on Platforma website!

Please also read an excerpt from the article by Erica Scourti about Platforma Festival that talks about Asylum Seekers game:

Some work invited an element of audience participation, like Ania Bas & Les Monghan’s Asylum Seeker game, emblazoned with the satirical slogan ‘the game that lasts a lifetime!’. Developed collaboratively out of a year-long residency the artist undertook with a group of asylum seekers, refugees and those with ‘no status’, the game explores the very real stresses and anxieties they face. Players attempt to move round a Monopoly-style board where everyday frustrations and setbacks (like “You work hard and get very sick. Go to hospital") must be conquered before reaching the top prize: official leave to remain.

And some comments from the audience members and the game players:

An absolutely fantastic project! Really sums up the whole experience! Nana

What a great game. It pretends to be about passing time but you can really sense real life turns into a lottery, completely out of peoples controle. Great Game!

Really creative way to show the process.

Reading through the playing cards tears come to my eyes. Never have I realised how hard it must be. This game is quite an accomplishment.

You made me laugh - but what I really mean is I want to cry!

Amazing. It should go to the market!

Never was a truer word spoken in jest - profound!

Great work - the cards are spot on from my 10+ years experience of this segregated world of asylum.


It is a wonderful work. Thank you.

This is a brilliant way to quickly convey the terrible truth of seeking asylum in the UK. Very thought provoking. Thank you.

Many thanks to Cathy Aitchison and most wonderful Counterpoint crew!